Role of Quality control in Aqua feeds


In aquaculture, the level of productivity and economic efficiency of farming systems are influenced to greater extent by the quality of feed delivered to animals. The nutrients delivered through the feed are essential for promoting and maintaining the animal health, production and reproduction.

The quality of aqua feed influences the animal performance and, consequently, the nutritional quality of fish and shrimp meat that is been supplied to the consumer market; with a direct correlation of feed to food safety, considering that the managemental and farming practices are adequate.

Aquaculture feeds

The quality of aqua feed is determined by diet formulation according to nutritional requirement of the various species. The pelleting characteristic of raw materials are just as important as the nutritional content and need to be considered whilst formulating feeds. Production diet (Fig. 1) so produced along with its superior quality and effectiveness, must be the one that is economical to manufacture, ship, store and broadcast to the species. Also, the physical and chemical properties of the pellets must remain intact in water (water stability) until the specie consumes it.

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