Fysal® MP and Econ - synergistic combination of organic acids


Enterobacteriaceae contamination in feed can threaten animal health. Especially high protein materials, such as soy, corn, blood and bone meals are susceptible to harmful pathogens, such as Salmonella, E.coli, moulds and yeasts.

The Fysal product range is part of various Selko programmes, aiming to prevent and reduce the presence of microbes that can degrade the nutritional value of feed.

Product application

Fysal MP and Econ is a synergistic combination of organic acids that effectively reduces the proliferation of Enterobacteriaceae such as salmonella

·        Fysal MP and Econ ca be applied in raw materials/feed and feed mill, as part of salmonella control in feed and feed mill hygiene respectively.

·        It can be used as a corrective action or preventive measure


·        Reduction of (re-)contamination risk of harmful bacteria, moulds and yeasts like salmonella etc

·        Improves feed moisture profile and overall pellet quality

·        Improves throughput

·        Long-lasting efficacy due to buffering of organic acids

·        Improves productivity of birds

Read more here: https://www.trouwnutritionasiapacific.com/en-in/our-approach/our-products-and-programmes/

Contact us at: https://www.trouwnutritionasiapacific.com/en-in/contact-us/

Email: customercareindia@trouwnutrition.com



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