Water Management in shrimp and fish culture with probiotic and minerals

 Aquaculture is not just an important economic activity but also a sustainable option to provide protein rich food to the ever-growing global population. To meet the global demand, aquaculture production practices have been intensified to a greater extent both in technological and practical measures.

Fish and shrimps are dependent on the water they live in for all their needs, including breathing, eating, reproducing and growing. Inadequate water quality causes more losses than any other problem and to a great extent water quality determines the success or failure of any farming operation.

The aquatic environment is composed of many aquatic variables. Farmers must know the variables that are potential sources of stress for the fish since these variables may also explain the causes of fish culture problems. Water quality parameters, which are of prime importance, are mainly temperature, salinity, turbidity, oxygen, CO2, nitrogen, ammonia, pH, alkalinity, hardness, minerals etc. Proper management consists also of monitoring the ponds regularly, keeping good records and planning ahead for the operation of your farm. Most likely, a pond with good water quality will produce more and healthier animals than a pond with poor quality.

Finally, the success any culture system is no longer a question of a single approach. The success will only by achieved when all the aspects regarding water management are tightly linked to a feed and farm management and strong biosecurity practices.

Read our full article here: https://www.skretting.com/en-in/news-and-stories/water-management-in-shrimp-and-fish-culture-with-probiotic-and-minerals/

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