Feed to Fork- Integrated Feed solutions in Animal Nutrition


Maintaining high quality and nutritional value throughout the feed to food chain is vital to supporting optimal animal performance and preventing risks to human health.

Trouw Nutrition India supports raw material producers, traders, feed mills, integrators and farmers in achieving the highest possible level of feed safety and quality by: preventing nutritional losses in raw materials, supporting maximum efficiencies in feed production, and using food by-products as valuable feed ingredients.

Our end-to-end animal nutrition solutions includes programmes such as:

  • Feed to Food Safety Programme
  • Trace minerals optimization Programme
  •  Performance and Health Programme
  • Mycotoxin Risk Management Programme
  • Feed Processing and Quality Programme

An integrated and sustainable approach for promoting healthy gut includes covering both feed and water sources.  Use of organic acids – small chain fatty acids (SCFA), medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) have been proven to have positive effects on the gut environment.

Trouw Nutrition can help through products like SelacidGreen, a synergistic blend of free and buffered SCFAs and MCFAs, that improves technical performance of bird and controls both Gram+ive and Gram-ive bacteria . Water quality should also be looked at to ensure good gut health.  Selko pH is a synergistic blend of free and buffered organic acids, which helps to stabilize water pH and improves intestinal health.

Trouw also offers water quality testing at MasterLab in Hyderabad, part of the largest professional network of laboratory service in animal nutrition industry.

Know more about our Products and Services here:


Reach out to us on customercareindia@trouwnutrition.com


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