SAPPHIRE - Superior Quality Feed for Intensive Farming


SAPPHIRE is a superior quality shrimp feed range optimized for the production of Whiteleg Shrimp under intensive farming conditions.


·        It is available in 8 sizes, including mini-pellets, adapted to the different life stages and meeting the nutritional requirements of the Whiteleg Shrimp.

·        In order to maintain good pond water conditions while aiming at optimal performance, these diets include raw materials strictly for their digestiblity, palatibility and capacity to ensure a good pellet water stability.

·        Sapphire therefore achieves low feed conversion ratio, and natural attractants are also added to stimulate the feed intake thus allowing the shrimp to reach its full growth potential.


·        Raw materials suitable for better digestibility

·        Allows the shrimp to reach its full growth potential

·        Palatability, and capacity to ensure good water stability

·        Achieves low FCR (feed conversion ratio)

·        Maintains good pond water conditions


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