Vitalis PRIMA – the Best Marine Fish Broodstock diet


Marine fish typically differ in their spawning patterns from salmonid fish, as they produce multiple batches of eggs. This increased fecundity requires a constant supply of nutrients and a diet able to have an effect in the spawning process within days.

 Broodstock nutrition has a profound influence on the quantity, quality and performance of the offspring and the well being of the parent fish. A careful balance of essential nutrients is vital for ensuring brood fish conditioning, optimal sperm and egg development while providing sufficient energy to aid transition from endogenous to exogenous feeding inthe larvae.


“Complete enhancement feed programme for Marine Fish Broodstock”


Vitalis PRIMA is the most comprehensive marine fish broodstock diet, supporting the health of parent fish and young fry. It ensures maximal quantity and quality of the gametes and improves the performance of hatchery systems globally.

 Vitalis PRIMA’s optimised nutritional formulation based on more than 30 years of research ensures health and robustness in broodstock, while improving biosecurity and sustainability.


  • ·        Optimised nutritional formulation for broodstock
  • ·        Consistent high quality and palatability
  • ·        Improved compatibility with RAS
  • ·        Enhanced health and robustness
  • ·        Improved biosecurity and sustainability eliminating the need for fresh feed supplementation


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Phone: +91 73047 95555


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