Ways to manage Heat Stress in Dairy Farm


Dairy cows are exposed to several stress factors of which heat stress is a major recurring factor that is to be addressed effectively to avoid negative impact on growth and performance of animals and hence the overall farm profitability.

 Mitigating strategies to reduce heat stress

The above said negative impacts of heat stress can be reduced through interventions in nutrition, management, and genetics. Let us see more about this.

 Managemental strategies

 Provide shed to heat stressed animal. Provide extra air movement by installing fan in stall brans and holding areas. Using sprinklers and misters can help animals to dissipate excess body heat. Water can be run over a shade or roof to facilitate evaporative cooling. Provide a clean and abundant supply of drinking water. Sanitation should be increased due to the higher risk of mastitis and other infections caused by environmental microorganisms.

 Nutritional strategies

 Raise the energy and nutrient densities of the diet by adding more concentrates and supplemental fat. Use of Buffers like sodium bicarbonate, sodium sesquicarbonate and magnesium oxide. Feed forages with the highest digestibility. Maintain adequate fibre levels while slightly reducing the amount of ADF and NDF in the ration. Supplementation of additional fat in ration to maintain energy balance but it should not be exceeded 5 % of total ration dry matter. The use of rumen protected fats in the diet can substantially lower heat increment.

Balance the protein levels in the ration to minimize excess soluble and rumen degradable protein. Increase the protein content of the ration with rumen un-degradable protein (bypass protein).


“Maintaining animal health through balanced nutrition can help them combat any stress and disease conditions.”

 Yes, Optimin from Trouw Nutrition India support optimal mineral status in animals contributing to the well-being and improved performance. Optimin is AMI-QS certified quality and produced using natural ingredients in a dedicated facility.

Feeding Management

Provide most of the ration during cooler periods of the day since the peak of heat production from feed intake occurs 4-6 hours after feeding. (Morning 4 am to 6 am and evening 9 pm to 11 pm)

To enhance feeding efficiency, increase feeding frequency to 4-6 times per day, with the largest proportion given at late evening or during nighttime. All cows are fed at the same time and offered a total mixed ration as per feasibility.

 If dry matter intake (DMI) significantly decreases, extra water should be added to the TMR, silage, or haylage. This can significantly increase DMI in some cases.

Ensure that the ration for dry cows and springing heifers is balanced to minimize the risk of infectious and metabolic diseases. Increase the proportion of green fodder in the diet of heat stressed animal.


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Trace minerals support biological functions that are required for proper immune function, reproduction, and growth. Selko IntelliBond is intended to be used as a nutritional feed additive as a source of trace mineral supplementation in poultry, dairy cattle, beef cattle, companion animals and fish. It is proven to be an effective source of copper, zinc, and manganese for animals.

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