Revolutionizing Aquaculture: Embracing Antibiotic-Free Practices for Sustainable Seafood


As the demand for sustainable seafood continues to rise, the aquaculture industry is undergoing a significant transformation by embracing antibiotic-free practices. Antibiotic-free practices prioritize the health and welfare of fish and shrimp. By minimizing antibiotic use, farmers encourage natural immune system development and rely on preventive measures such as improved husbandry practices, biosecurity, and optimized nutrition.

In antibiotic-free aquaculture, the role of feed becomes even more crucial as it plays a significant part in promoting the health, growth, and overall well-being of fish and shrimp. Here are the top three key reasons highlighting the importance of feed in antibiotic-free aquaculture:

Nutritional Balance: High-quality feed ensures that fish and shrimp receive a nutritionally balanced diet that meets their specific dietary requirements. A well-balanced diet enhances their immune system, making them more resistant to diseases and reducing the need for antibiotics.

Gut Health: Feed plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy gut microbiota in fish and shrimp. A balanced diet promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which aids in digestion, nutrient absorption, and overall gut health. A healthy gut microbiome improves disease resistance and reduces the risk of opportunistic infections.

Disease Prevention: Optimal nutrition from feed supports the overall health and vitality of fish and shrimp, making them less susceptible to diseases. By providing the necessary nutrients, feed strengthens their immune systems, enhances stress resistance, and improves overall disease resilience.

A long-held part of Skretting’s global sustainability strategy is the ambition to address the risks associated with antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This includes supporting a reduction to the use of antibiotics within the aquaculture value chain, and the elimination of specific groups of antibiotics, specifically ‘critically important antibiotics’ (CIAs) by WHO.

Contact Skretting India for expert advice and high-quality aquaculture supplies to support your fish and shrimp culture journey. Together, let's achieve a thriving and sustainable aquaculture.

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