Shrimp Farming in the Summer: Essential Tips for Effective Crop Management


Summer Crop Management in Shrimp Farming is crucial for a successful harvest season. Listen to our expert Dr. Raghavendrudu G, Product Manager, Skretting India as he explains the Best Practices for Summer Crop Management in Shrimp Farming focusing on effective feeding strategies, water quality management, disease prevention amongst others. Let’s see that one by one.

Water quality management: Monitor and maintain good water quality parameters such as temperature, dissolved oxygen levels, salinity, pH, and ammonia levels. Use aerators and proper circulation systems to enhance oxygenation and prevent water stratification.

Temperature control: Implement strategies to mitigate the negative impacts of high water temperatures. This can include shading the ponds using nets or adding floating covers to reduce direct sunlight exposure. Additionally, water exchange and the use of cool water sources may be necessary.

Feeding management: Adjust feeding practices according to the changing needs of the shrimp during summer. Feed smaller, more frequent meals to minimize waste and improve digestion. Monitor feeding response and adjust feeding rates based on shrimp appetite and growth.

Pond bottom management: Regularly monitor and manage the pond bottom conditions to prevent the formation of harmful gases such as hydrogen sulfide. Proper aeration and occasional stirring of the pond bottom can help prevent anaerobic conditions and improve overall water quality.

Disease prevention: Summer conditions can increase the risk of diseases and infections. Implement a strict biosecurity protocol to minimize the introduction of pathogens. Monitor the health of the shrimp closely and consult with a veterinarian at the first signs of disease.

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