Trouw Lab - Services and Solutions Portfolio


Trouw Lab provides varied analytical assays for complete feed, raw materials, silage and water. The predominant services portfolio includes:

Near Infrared Spectroscopy Lab Services (NIRS)

NIRS is an efficient first-line screening tool for monitoring the quality and safety of feed protein materials. It is a new technology based on light absorption and one of the most suitable approaches for online quality control of nutritional analysis. NIRS helps in precision feeding to animals.

Feed Mill Services

Feed mill solutions includes the

·       Feed moisture management through efficient dosing systems

·       Mycotoxin analysis in feed ingredients

Customised Solutions MAXCARE

Maxcare is a leading feed supplement brand, provides farmers with a portfolio of easy-to-use products uniquely formulated to support livestock performance. These well-balanced solutions offer optimal nutrition while minimising the cost of feed and feed production.

Mycomaster – a Rapid Mycotoxin analysis kit

Mycomaster provides rapid, cost-effective and quantitative mycotoxin analyses of over 40 validated feed raw materials and final feed. It is an easy to use system that can be operated on-site, providing rapid analysis of six most common mycotoxins: aflatoxin (AFLA), deoxynivalenol (DON), zearalenone (ZEA), ochratoxin (OCHRA), fumonisin (FUM), and T2 toxin (T2-HT2).  It takes less than 5 minutes to get the results, thus helping in quick decision making and quality control.

NutriOpt On-site Adviser (NOA)

NutriOpt is a suite of integrated digital solutions and services are designed for farmers, feed mills, integrators and consultants to use for swine, layers, broilers, dairy cows and beef cattle. It helps in viewing and exporting the test results of scanned feed samples, calculating the best result for different scenarios on a pig farm, and optimising diet formulation for broilers.

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